Inspired By Bicycles...

Since the golden era of bicycles in the late 19th century until the mid 20th century, cycling posters were drawn and painted to advertise manufacturers and tire companies and to promote bicycle expositions and races.

We aim to celebrate the craftsmanship of original posters as a starting point for contemporary artists, designers and illustrators to represent what remains the most efficient means of transport today.

We have supplied 13 Australian and International artists with a reproduction of a vintage bicycle poster to derive the inspiration for their artwork. The artwork will hang side by side with the original poster, linking between old and new, then and now, what was and what could be.

We Buy Your Kids Mark Alsweiler Sara Blake Mark Drew James Jirat Patradoon Well Dressed Vandals Anton Benois Seamus Heidenreich Kareena Zerefos Michael Longton Kevin Tran Dan Leon Krause